Photographs by Micha Kuhmann
As part of the Görlitz photo festival “Schauplätze” the exhibition is open for visitors from 06.10. – 01.11.20 in the Creative Centre of the Görlitz Adult Education Centre (Volkshochschule Görlitz), Hainwald 8, Görlitz, Mon to Thu 9:00-17:00.

Gottesacker – The Brethren Church in Herrnhut (DE) and Bad Boll (DE)
In my exhibition project, I photographically approached the place where the Herrnhut Brotherhood (Görlitz district, Saxonia, DE) was founded and additionally their corresponding Brotherhood in Bad Boll (Göppingen district, Baden-Württemberg, DE).
The tangible traces at both places of the brother community – gravestones and buildings – reveal a way of dealing with oneself, others and the landscape, which points to working or cultivating within old cultural landscapes. Since I did not want to exclusively present gravestones on the two cemeteries, the photographs from Herrnhut also show human and animal traces, those from Bad Boll also reflect pietistic and anthroposophical influences. The photographs were taken during the first half of 2020 in 35mm (small), medium and digital format.
Living and working in Berlin for 17 years, born in the greater Stuttgart area with paternal roots in the Görlitz area, student of Arno Fischer, doctoral candidate in European Media Studies at the University of Potsdam on the history of “Foto Video Hess” (a photo shop in Berlin-Charlottenburg, which has been in existence since 1926).
Digital and analogue photography (black-white in own darkroom from 35mm to large format); own photographic and rebuilding/rearranging projects including repairs.