Photographs by Sascha Röhricht
As part of the Görlitz photo festival “Schauplätze” the exhibition is open for visitors from 06.10. – 01.11.20 at the FVKS (Förderverein Kulturstadt Görlitz-Zgorzelec e.v.), Untermarkt 23, Görlitz, Tue to Sun from 12:00-16:00.

pomo homo – apple human
Currently for more than nine years, the freelance artist has been working on his long-term project “pomo homo – apple man”, which deals with the nature of an apple in various expressive forms. One main focus is the portrait series of ripe, overripe, rotten and injured apples. In most cases these pictures are taken on old orchards, along roadsides and in gardens. He is always on search for new models and motifs. Especially in late summer and autumn many of the shots were taken. In this exhibition a selection of as yet unpublished pictures from the last three years of the project is presented.
1986 born in Görlitz; 2007 – 2011 artistic forming at Mecklenburg region (DE); from 2011 freelance artist; since 2013 member of the board of directors – cultural association “Wildwuchs e.V.” (Görlitz); since 2016 lecturer for photography at Adult Education Centre Görlitz (Volkshochschule); founding member of the artist group “Görlitzer Sukzession” in 2019. Portfolio: photography, poetry, video, painting, performance.
Numerous regional, national and international exhibitions and exhibition participations, including
2019 – VIA-REGIA-scholarship & stay at the The House of Artists / Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus in Schwandorf
2020 – “Denkzeit” Scholarship / Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony (Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachen)
Among others, art works in collections of Ernst-Rietschel-Kulturring e.V., Sakralmuseum St. Annen and the Zittau collections (Zittauer Sammlungen).