Program calendar
The programme calendar is constantly updated and completed! Status 28.10.20
Thursday, 10.09.2020
12:00 Beginning of the 6th Görlitz Photo Festival, exhibitions open in the Photo Museum, Frauenkirche and Kreativzentrum der Volkshochschule, due to the corona NO opening event, but "No Show" instead :-)
12:01 Start of the digital join-in campaign "flood of pictures", own photos on the topic "cultivated!" can be uploaded, information at:
Friday, 11.09.2020
18:00 **Opening exhibition "Stre!fen" with Performance, artemis-Galerie, Handwerk 13, Görlitz, organizer: Wildwuchs e.V.
Saturday, 19.09.2020
09:30-17:45 **Intensive Workshop "Food Photography and Food Styling" *plus+, max. 5 participants, Kochatelier, James-von-Moltke-Straße 38, 02826 Görlitz, further information & booking:, organizer: VHS Görlitz
18:00 **Vernissage exhibition "FILMOŻART III" featuring "Black & Blondi", Zielone Wiosła, Popiełuszki Jerzego, bł. ks, PL – 59-921 Sieniawka, organizer: Neisse Filmfestival
Thursday, 24.09.2020
18:00 **Music "EVAN" and artist talk with Richard Thieler at the exhibition "KUNST.ORT.KINO.", Městské divadlo, Partyzánů 1442, CZ – 407 47 Varnsdorf, organizer: Neisse Filmfestival
Friday, 25.09.2020
18:00 **Artist talk with Richard Thieler at the exhibition "KUNST.ORT.KINO.", KULTURCAFÉ “Alte Bäckerei”, Am Sportplatz 3, DE – 02747 Großhennersdorf, organizer: Neisse Filmfestival
Saturday, 26.09.2020
09:30 **Photowalk: Görlitz Old Town - Perspectives *plus+, duration approx. 2 h, max. 10 participants, further information and booking at or 03581 - 4757 0, participant price 9,- Euro, meeting point Görlitz-Information, Obermarkt 32, Görlitz, organizer: Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH
14:30 **Photowalk: Middle Ages meets modern times - from the Hallenhaus to the Art Nouveau department shop *plus+, duration approx. 2.5 h, max. 10 participants, further information and booking at or 03581 - 4757 0, participant price 17,- Euro, meeting point Görlitz-Information, Obermarkt 32, Görlitz, organizer: Europastadt GörlitzZgorzelec GmbH
Sunday, 27.09.2020
24:00 Closing date for entries to the digital participation campaign "Bilderfluten" at
Monday, 05.10.2020
19:00 **Lecture "The photographic remote sensing of the earth" *plus+, A homage to Sigmund Jähn, Langenstraße 23, 02826 Görlitz, further information & booking:, organizer: VHS Görlitz
Friday, 30.10.2020 – Sunday, 01.11.2020
"Flood of pictures" on site and online – (a) at Görlitz Photo Museum (Löbauer Straße 7, 12:00 - 16:00), (b) at FVKS (Untermarkt 23, 12:00 - 16:00) and (c) online
In general visiting the events of the Görlitz Photofestival "Schauplätze" 2020 is admission free. ** and *plus+ marked exhibitions and actions are from external suppliers. These will be announced here by the Görlitz Photofestival. All responsibility lies with the respective organizers. The attendance of external actions may cost a participation fee, the attendance of all exhibitions is generally free of charge.
As of 04.09.20 Program calendar is subject to changes without notice. No guarantee can be given for the correctness of information.